Monday, August 29, 2016

Cinema Teeyali Mama Telugu Comedy Short Film

Cinema Teeyali Mama..!

Language: Telugu

Subtitles: English

Genre: Comedy


Two friends, Ramesh and Suresh, wannabe actors, taking a casual stroll in the park discuss how every Tom, Dick and Harry is making short films these days. They too plan on making a short film but realise that they need a story and somebody who can shoot their film. Soon they find a guy, Ajay, who is writing something in his diary and they hope that he is writing a story for a short film.
Is he really writing a story?
Will Ramesh and Suresh be able to realise their dream of making a short film with the help of Ajay?

Cast & Crew:

Shanmuk Madabattula as Ramesh
Revanth Kumar Bandari as Suresh
Praveen Kumar Yavvari as Ajay

Written, Shot, Edited & Directed by Kaushik Dasari

Cinema Teeyali Mama..! | Shining Knight Pictures | 2016 Telugu Comedy Short Film

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