Monday, September 25, 2017

Short story about

Short story about explains how to submit short films to Telugu Short films. NET STARTED.

  Story of

A common man become a short film maker without having knowledge of how to make short films. Every step he made as an experiment,results of failures teaches  him new lessons.

Finally he made few short films, got Prize in college level competition. He uploaded short film videos in YouTube.

But His Videos got very less Views..
One of his friend suggested him to start a blog to promote your Video.

Finally that common man started a blog for promoting his short films. He don't know really what he is doing, what's  happening there,he decided to support  other short film makers. Blindly posted short films from you tube in his blog after two years.. He noticed his blog not appearing in Google search.. No one not visiting his blog.. He doesn't know why it's happening.. He don't have knowledge in blogging & website development.. Finally he Started his exploration  of blogging.. he Noticed his blog name is not relevant to his content.. He changed his blog name as
After few months struggling, appeared  in Google search results, first page first place.. Still it's in first page results..  now giving more views to new short film makers.

Why Running Now?

Now idea of running is to support common short film makers, who don't have proper guidance  to Showcase their talents, Who don't have money to promote their videos, giving small support them.

What to do : submit your short film.

How to Help other short film MAKERS?

  • Daily once visit,  
  • Watch at least one short film per day, 
  • share it in social media(Google plus, Facebook, watsapp etc).
With out Your support can not survive in this competitive commercial competition. 

We request you to help watch & SHARE our short films in 

Thanking you

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Detective Devadoss telugu shortfilm

Detective Devadoss telugu shortfilm